fredag 10. februar 2012

Three in the bathroom!

Question 1: Do you use sources critical?
Question 2: Which sources do you find reliable and which do you not?
Question 3: Which sources do you use?
Question 4: What is your opinion about critical source?

Dolly Pink,15 years

 -Yes, while working with school assignments I always check out different sources to find the most reliable information.
-  Wikipedia is an unreliable source, because everyone can change information on the website. However, it’s always administrators that control the page. A forum is administrated by people discussing different subjects. Lexicons on the other hand are usually trustable. 
- I use Wikipedia, different lexicon pages, pages related to schoolwork and Google of course.
- My opinion about a critical source is that a lot of the information you find is bullshit.

 Penny, 37 years

- Yes, I always try to find reliable sources.
- At work we always use reliable sources, if I am unsure I check out with my colleagues.  We rarely use pages as daria and forums.
- I use sources related to my work.
- I always check out different pages before using a source.

Grandma, 87 years

- I don’t really know what a critical source is, I’m sorry! I just search up knitting pattern.
- I find facebook reliable, every single grandma use facebook nowadays. I can speak with my homies, and check out hunky dudes.
- I think it is a lot of critical at the Internet; I only use the useful pages.

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